OSREN Australia is seeking for distributors and dealers to expand alongside the growing numbers of motor vehicles and demand for detailing products and services.
Based of past audited records, an annual growth of 2.5% was experienced from year 2010-2015. At this rate, IBISWORLD forecasted that the car wash and detailing industry will be worth approximately $585million by year 2020. This opportunity opens up an unique positioning for industrial, professional and consumer segments in Australia.
OSREN Australia target users that are ready to deliver unrivalled results through our solutions and professional series range, yet not willing to spend long hours and undergo complicated process to achieve it. Coupled with our competitive pricing strategy, OSREN Australia leaves no reason for users to stay comfortable with their current regime.
OSREN has 20 years of research and development in producing pragmatic, safe and cost-and-value effective detailing products. Currently, OSREN has expanded its presence to over 20 countries and has over 280 of products designed and formulated for detailing purposes.
For distributors and dealers, here are the key benefits of joining us:
1) Marketing materials and ongoing support will be provided (for both technical and general enquiries)
2) Product and sales training will be provided.
3) Support in referring leads to promote our local supplier.
4) Access to OSREN’s full-fledged products and becoming a one-stop car care product supplier.
For more information or enquiries, get in touch with us: